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  • July- CDC/Medscape CME Activity- Panelist- HIV Testing, Prevention and Treatment: A stepwise Approach. Available on

  • Sept- Podcast Interview- Sexology with Dr Moali



  • Feb- Tufts University LGBT Center- Panelist with other providers reviewing Trans health and sexual health services. Audience: Graduate and undergraduate students.

  • April- Holy Cross College, Worcester, MA. Talk/panel on HIV, Sexuality, PrEP and access of care. Audience: Students, faculty and staff.



  • Advisory group member for The State of Sexual and Reproductive Health on Campus ACHF Report


  • Malebranche, D., Watriss, A., & Dangerfield, D. (2022). Implementing a National PrEP Program: How Can We Make It Happen? Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 50(S1), 51-54. doi:10.1017/jme.2022.36



  • Smith A. (2020) Contributed Sexual Assault and Erectile Dysfunction cases. In Wijesinghe, S. 101 Primary care case studies. A workbook for clinical and bedside skills. New York: Springer Publishing Company


Contributing author to American College Health Assoc HIV PrEP Guidelines.


Huey MJ, Higham M, Watriss AL. Viewpoint: Why you should provide HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) at your college health center. J Am Coll Health. 2020;68(2):119-123. doi:10.1080/07448481.2018.1529673


Contributing author- HIV pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis: Transforming HIV prevention
College Health in Action-ACHA Newsletter, Vol 55, No.1



  • Nov- Roundtable presenter ACHA webinar- Implementing medical abortion services in college health settings

  • Nov- Panelist for MSSI (Med students for size inclusivity- Tufts medical school


  • Jan- Conducted training for Tufts SHR (Sex Health Reps)- Peer education program

  • March- TEDxTufts speaker- How to starve patriarchal clinical/sexual health care

  • June- Co-presenter at ACHA (American College Health Assoc) conference- The necessity of inclusion in clinical care

  • July- Grand Rounds at CHA (Cambridge Hospital) OB/GYN Dept- Inclusive Sexual Health taking



  • April- Queer Sex Health event- Q and A, over Zoom, with students about queering sex health and evolving expectations around sexuality. Hosted by LGBT Center and SHR team

  • Sept- Conducted training for Tuft SHR (Sex Health Reps)- Peer education program


  • Dec- NECHA Conference- HIV PrEP Update Presentation. Audience: College health providers and health educators

  • Oct- End the HIV Epidemic Webinar by Audience: Medical providers and health educators

  • Oct- Safe Sex in the time of COVID- Zoom event with students and student leaders. Audience: undergraduate students




  • Sept- MGH School of Nursing. Guest lecturer on HIV pathophysiology and HIV PrEP. Audience: Nursing students.

  • Earlier presentation list available on request.

  • Feb- GILEAD HIV Prevention Bureau Speaker talk (HPBS). Sexual health clinical skill review. Boston College, MA. Audience: Nurse Practitioner students

  • June- GILEAD HPBS. PrEP and Sexual Health. New Jersey. Audience: college health providers from multiple states.

  • July- Spectrum Conference. HIV PrEP in College health. Albany NY. Audience: College health providers/health educators.

  • Oct- GILEAD HPBS PrEP talk. Boston, MA. Audience: Med providers.

  • Nov- GILEAD HPBS PrEP talk. Boston, MA Audience: Med Providers. **Last of speaker contract. No longer a member of bureau (as of Jan 2020)

  • Feb- Tuft University Latinx Center. Safe Sex and Pleasure. Audience: undergraduate students.

  • Feb- Tufts University Women's Center. Nonbinary language in clinical and sexual health settings. Audience: Grad and undergraduate students.

  • Feb- Tufts University LGBT Center. Trans Health care on campus. Audience: Grad and undergraduate students.

  • Feb- Tufts University Women's Center. Cliteracy 101. Audience: Grad and undergraduate students.

  • April- Connecticut College. Safe sex and sex toys. Audience: undergraduate students.

  • April- GILEAD HPBS PrEP talk. Boston, MA. Audience: Med providers.

  • April- GILEAD HPBS PrEP talk. Waltham, MA. Audience: Med providers.

  • May- Tufts University Women's Center. Menstrual care and cups review. Audience: Grad and undergraduate students.

  • May- GILEAD HPBS PrEP talk. NYU. Audience: College health providers.

  • June- MGH School of Nursing, Boston, MA. Guest lecturer on HIV and STI pathophysiology. Audience: Nursing students.

  • June- GILEAD HPBS PrEP talk. Boston, MA. Audience: Med providers.

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